Quarter-Life for individuals

Make your quarter-life a time to thrive, not a time for crisis

The quarter-life crisis is a period of intense soul searching that usually happens in our 20’s and 30’s.

It’s the limbo-y feeling of ‘I don’t know what I want, but I know it’s not this’. It can be an incredibly stressful time, but it is also an opportunity to pivot into a more meaningful and fulfilling life. There are generally 5 stages we go through when experiencing this crisis

We feel trapped or 'locked in' by the current situation.

Whether it be a job, a place, rent, a group of friends or a relationship.

A rising sense of a need to escape.

We procrastinate on the job search or avoid having difficilt conversations. Often we even start to deny anything is wrong: ‘maybe the job isn’t that bad after all’. (This is usually when people reach out for coaching)

Everything reaches a head.

We end the relationship or quit the job. A decision is made for things to change.


Exploration begins, you start to actively pursue a new life.

You settle into a new life.

Maybe you are in a new place, with new hobbies or a different job. The most important thing is that it is a life that is more aligned with your interests and goals.

Signs you might be experiencing a quarter-life crisis

Tick the boxes if they apply to you

Career and Life coaching

What kind of coaching are you looking for?

1-1 General Life Coaching

Do you have something in mind? Or someone who is curious about personal development? Like getting a personal trainer, working with a coach can be a catalyst for making huge changes.

1-1 Career Change Programme

A unique 3-6 month, 1-1 coaching programme for those in their 20’s and 30’s who are looking to find more fulfilment, purpose and meaning in their career

Group Career Change Programme

All the benefits of our 1-1 coaching programme, but with the support of people who are in the same boat.

What is Coaching?

What people say

Some of the most frequently asked questions

All coaching sessions are held virtually, over zoom.

Our prices depend on how much you earn. No proof required, we trust you 🙂 Send an email below to organise a consultation.

 Our career coaching programme typically lasts between 3-6 months. For general life coaching, we usually work with people for around 6 months, but some choose to work with their coach for years!

For our career coaching programme, sessions will be every week or every other week to start with. Towards the end of the programme sessions tend to be spread out as you will need more time for your own research. For general life coaching, we will help you decide frequency of sessions. It ranges anywhere from every other week to once a month.

Get in touch [email protected]. We will organise a free consultation to see if we are a good fit and your coach will start the onboarding process.

Get in touch

Let's talk.

Whether you’re a business or someone looking to get coaching yourself. Get in touch and we will tell you more about what we do and answer any questions you have.