Career Change Programme

It’s the limbo-y feeling of ‘I don’t know what I want, but I know it’s not this’. It can be an incredibly stressful time, but it is also an opportunity to pivot into a more meaningful and fulfilling life.

"I was coached in my early 20's and it helped me work out exactly what i wanted in my career. This clarity and sense of purpose completely changed my life, I started quarter-life so that others could have the same."


Chloë Garland


Stories from
people we have worked with

"From Project Management to Production" with Hannah Haine

From Founder to Product Design with Ben Macandrews

From Teaching to Landscape Architecture with Katherine Pears

What is the process?

What to expect from the career coaching.


Those who are happiest in their careers do something that they are genuinely aligned with. During our reflection sessions we seek to develop a deep understanding of you. We look at the 5 key pillars: purpose, values, strengths, interests and working environment. At the end of these sessions we will have a blueprint for the kind of job that is right for you.


You can’t be what you can’t see. We often get stuck going round the same 10-15 careers that we’ve seen growing up. This stage is about creativity. We use a number of tools and techniques to work out what is out there in order to form a bank of 100+ opportunities that excite you.


You wouldn’t drive a car unless you road tested it, so why don’t we do the same with our careers? Test your most exciting ideas through conversations and ‘prototype’ experiences. We will narrow down your options to 1-3 exciting ones and create a plan to identify pathways into that career from your current position.


We have a team of career advisors who are on hand to provide practical career change support. They specialise in all things CV, interview prep, job search strategy, applications and linkedin. If you feel you need this extra support then we are on hand to help.

What is included?

"Our coaching program includes personalised, one-on-one sessions designed to help you clarify your career objectives and develop a plan to achieve them. We will work together to identify your strengths, interests, and skills, and explore potential career options that will allow you to thrive both personally and professionally."

8 x 1-1 Coaching Sessions

1-1 sessions with a specialist career coach to help identify your next career step.

Online Course

Unlimited access to the quarter-life online course (see below)

Written resources and exercises

Resources between sessions to support you.

Email & Whatsapp Mentoring

Be in touch with your coach between sessions for any additional questions or challenges.

Practical Preparation

Optional sessions with a career specialist to work on: job search strategy, Linkedin, applications, cv, cover letters etc.

Free initial 1 x hour consultation

An initial consultation to ascertain your key challenges and how coaching can help.

Online course

A sneak peak into the online course that will support your 1-1 coaching journey.

Some of the most frequently asked questions

All coaching sessions are held virtually, over zoom.

Our prices depend on how much you earn. No proof required, we trust you 🙂 Send an email below to organise a consultation.

 Our career coaching programme typically lasts between 3-6 months. For general life coaching, we usually work with people for around 6 months, but some choose to work with their coach for years!

For our career coaching programme, sessions will be every week or every other week to start with. Towards the end of the programme sessions tend to be spread out as you will need more time for your own research. For general life coaching, we will help you decide frequency of sessions. It ranges anywhere from every other week to once a month.

Get in touch [email protected]. We will organise a free consultation to see if we are a good fit and your coach will start the onboarding process.

Chloë delivers all career coaching, so your consultation and sessions would be with her. Send her a message at [email protected]

Ready to start? We are here for you! Let’s talk

Tell us more about yourself and what you’re got in mind.