We're experts on helping quarter-lifers reach their full potential.

“We want to overhear people talking about coaching at the dinner table”
Coaching is typically something we only get to do in our mid-life. We want to democratise the industry by making it accessible in our quarter-life.
Our team
Created in 2017
Chloë has her first coaching session with her coach Roger and the idea for Quarter-Life is born!
Chloë trains to be a coach with Animas, MOE and The Academy of Executive Coaching and starts coaching.
We develop our unique 1:1 career coaching programme and Quarter-life becomes a thriving coaching practice for individuals. Rachel and Eli join the team as careers advisors. We are selected to join a Deutsche bank accelerator for female founders where we created our company offering to work with early-in-career employees. Our work is featured in The Guardian, Forbes and The Independent.
Quarter-life partners with universities (LSE, New College of The Humanities, University of Law, University of Lincoln, University of Richmond) to deliver career coaching and training to students and graduates. We also begin working with social impact organisations and charities to provide coaching to young adults from disadvantaged backgrounds.
Quarter-Life begins partnering with organisations to deliver coaching and training to their quarterlife employees.
We create and maintain multiple new partnerships with organisations to deliver coaching and training within companies. The team grows to include Jeffrey, Cat, Mark and Robin. Our work features in a documentary for the BBC and in The TImes.
We create our online career coaching course and scale our company offering. We work with new clients, in new ways.
We start offering our unique career coaching course to groups as well as individuals. We start to form larger partnerships with organisations to deliver coaching support for their junior talent. Elyssa and Caitlin join the team!
Proud to work with them

Let's talk.
Whether you’re a business or someone looking to get coaching yourself. Get in touch and we will tell you more about what we do and answer any questions you have.